About Us

A Team of Innovative People

Jessica White

Jessica White is an innovative, dynamic, and ambitious young woman. Jessica has always been intrigued by the fields of S.T.E.M., and even had a few short-lived opportunities that surrounded it.

Her hobbies include reading books, writing, and going on adventures. She plans on writing fictional books with a focus on S.T.E.M. and the "supernatural". Gaining this new skill will allow her to further her life's mission which is to be of service to her community.


Ricardo Ramos

My name is Ricardo Ramos, I perfer going by Ricky. I am 24 years old and I have been working in sales my whole life. I am learning to code to get into the tech field but my dream job would be something with gaming. My hobbies currently include all sports,reading, going to the gym, gaming, exploring the world, and learning code. I am looking to give myself the freedom of exploring everything I want to and hopefully live abroad and experiece life.


Ronald Holden

Ronald is a future graduate of Northern Illinois University with experience in using MySQL, C++, and swift. His program of study is Computational Mathematics. Outisde of working on equations and coding, he is an outdoor adventurer.

A few of his hobbies are working out,hiking, sky diving, rock climbing and he is still exploring.


Valbona Bajrami

Valbona has been investing the past few years in pursuing her passions in healthcare as a naturopathic doctor and acupuncturist. Her love for medicine led her to the tech-world as she plans to use the knowledge as a full-stack developer to help bridge the gap in intergrative medicine and tech.

Her hobbies including hiking, camping, reading, and traveling the world.